ASM+C : 어셈블리와 C언어 결합
ml /c /coff /Zi strsch.asm
cl /c main_strsch.c
cl main_strsch.obj strsch.obj
- 입력받은 단어중 해당단어의 위치를 찾는 함수를 어셈블리로 만든다
#include <stdio.h>
extern int strsch (char *, char*);
int main () { char src[80]; char key[80]; int iRet;
printf (" String to search?"); scanf ("%s", src);
printf (" Key to search for?"); scanf ("%s", key);
iRet = strsch (src,key);
if (0 == iRet) { printf (" The key does not appear in the string.\n"); } else { printf (" The key appears at position [%d] in the string\n", iRet); }
return 0; }
; 2013.10.14
;INCLUDE io.h PUBLIC _strsch
.STACK 4096
.DATA trgtLength DWORD ? keyLength DWORD ? lastPosn DWORD ?
.CODE _strsch PROC NEAR32 ;entry code PUSH EBP MOV EBP, ESP
mov eax, [ebp+8] ; find length of string push eax ; length parameter call strlen mov trgtLength, eax ; save length of ebp+8 mov eax, [ebp+12] ; find length of string push eax call strlen mov keyLength, eax ; save length of ebp+12
; calculate last position of ebp+8 to check mov eax,trgtLength sub eax,keyLength inc eax ; trgtLength - ebp+12Length + 1 mov lastPosn, eax cld ; left to right comparison mov eax,1 ; starting position
whilePosn: cmp eax,lastPosn ; position <= last_posn? jnle endWhilePosn ; exit if past last position mov esi,[ebp+8] ; address of ebp+8 string add esi,eax ; add position dec esi ; address of position to check mov edi,[ebp+12] ; address of ebp+12 mov ecx,keyLength ; number of positions to check repe cmpsb ; check jz found ; exit on success inc eax ; increment position jmp whilePosn ; repeat endWhilePosn: mov eax,0 found: ; exit code MOV ESP, EBP POP EBP RET
_strsch ENDP
strlen PROC NEAR32 ; find length of string whose address is passed on stack ; length returned in EAX push ebp ; establish stack frame mov ebp, esp pushf ; save flags push ebx ; and EBX sub eax, eax ; length := 0 mov ebx, [ebp+8] ; address of string
whileChar: cmp BYTE PTR [ebx], 0 ; null byte? je endWhileChar ; exit if so inc eax ; increment length inc ebx ; point at next character jmp whileChar ; repeat
endWhileChar: pop ebx ; restore registers and flags popf pop ebp ret 4 ; return, discarding parameter
strlen ENDP END