ASSEMBLY - jmp 명령어, group 파일 분석 - 전영기
ASSEMBLYjmp 명령어 (c에서는 goto 와 비슷한 역활) 예제 .386.MODEL FLAT ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dxExitCode:DWORD INCLUDE io.h cr EQU 0dhLf EQU 0ah .STACK 4096 .DATAsumDWORD?explainBYTEcr, Lf, "As you input numbers one at a time, this", cr, LfBYTE"program will report the count of numbers so far.", cr, LfBYTE"the sum do far, and the average.", cr, Lf, Lf, 0promptBYTE"Number?", 0numberBYTE16 DUP (?)count..
2013. 9. 4.
어셈블리 과제 - 조유진
과제 1.386.MODEL FLAT ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD INCLUDE io.h crEQU0dhLfEQU0ah .STACK4096 .DATAPrompt1BYTECR, LF, "This program will convert a Celsius "BYTE"temperature to the Fahrenheit scale", cr, Lf, LfBYTE"Enter Celsius temperature : ", 0ValueBYTE10DUP( ? )AnswerBYTEcr, Lf, "The temperature is"TemperatureBYTE6DUP( ? )BYTE"Fahrenheit", cr, Lf, 0 .CODE _start:Prompt:outpu..
2013. 9. 2.
예제 4장 .386.MODEL FLAT ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD INCLUDE io.h cr EQU 0dh Lf EQU 0ah .STACK 4096 .DATA Prompt1 BYTE CR,LF,"This program will convert a Celsius " BYTE "temperature to the Fahrenheit scale",cr,Lf,Lf BYTE "Enter Celsius temperature: ",0 Value BYTE 10 DUP (?) Answer BYTE CR,LF,"The temperature is" Temperature BYTE 6 DUP (?) BYTE " Fahrenheit",cr,Lf,0 .CODE _sma..
2013. 9. 2.