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Jetson Orin Nano GPIO Input Control 이름 PN.01 Activation: echo PN.01 > /sys/class/gpio/export Direction: echo in > /sys/class/gpio/PN.01/direction Output Low: cat /sys/class/gpio/PN.01/value Deactivation: echo PN.01 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport State Check Test Script : while [ 1 ]; do cat value;sleep .5 ; done 2023. 11. 22.
Jetson Orin Nano GPIO Output Control 이름 : PCC.00 Activation: echo PCC.00 > /sys/class/gpio/export Direction : echo out > /sys/class/gpio/PN.01/direction Output High: echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/PCC.00/value Output Low: echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/PCC.00/value Deactivation: echo PCC.00 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport 2023. 11. 22.
Jetson Orin Nano GPIO Listing 참조1 : Jetson_Orin_Nano_DevKit_Carrier_Board_Specification_SP-11324-001_v1.1.pdf 참조2 : Jetson_Orin_NX_series_and_Orin_Nano_series_Pinmux_Config_Template.pdf 참조3 : Jetson_Orin_NX_Orin_Nano_Pin_Function_Names_Guide_DA-11434-001_v1.0.pdf 전체 리스트 보기 명령 : cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio gpiochip1: GPIOs 316-347, parent: platform/c2f0000.gpio, tegra234-gpio-aon: gpio-316 (PAA.00 ) gpio-317 (PAA.01 ) gpio-318.. 2023. 11. 22.
Jetson Identifying the GPIO Number URL : https://docs.nvidia.com/jetson/archives/r35.1/DeveloperGuide/text/HR/JetsonModuleAdaptationAndBringUp/JetsonAgxOrinSeries.html#identifying-the-gpio-number Identifying the GPIO Number If you designed your own carrier board, to translate from SOM connector pins to actual GPIO numbers, you must understand the following GPIO mapping formula. The translated GPIO numbers can be controlled by the.. 2023. 11. 22.
Jetson Partition Device Name PARTLABEL PARTUUID UUID TYPE /dev/nvme0n1p1 APP 4db8f78b-65ca-456c-a802-88257dd8e231 e4a55bf1-55c0-49a9-89a3-a1e85516cafe ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p2 kernel 3d2725c4-f695-4470-b315-fb2aba903357 /dev/nvme0n1p3 kernel-dtb 785aeaa8-aabd-4bf1-9ddc-8f019e5db05c /dev/nvme0n1p4 reserved_for_chain_A_user 050151e0-6b4d-4a8f-9aea-4b6df617db3d /dev/nvme0n1p5 kernel_b 78b61f53-5ce1-406e-b5dc-d778d5eb7d1.. 2023. 11. 22.
Jetson/AGX Xavier Misc Interfaces UART UARTA 0x03100000 UART1_{TX,RX,RTS,CTS} UART1 (K53,K54,L51,H54) Use for UART connector 40 pin connector CMOS – 1.8V ttyTHS0 serial@3100000 OK serial0 UARTB 0x03110000 UART2_{TX,RX,RTS,CTS} UART2 (C58,C56,G58,A57) Not Use CMOS – 1.8V ttyTHS1 serial@3110000 OK serial1 UARTC 0x0c280000 UART3_{TX,RX} UART3 (H62,K60) UART debug chip FT4232 CMOS – 1.8V ttyTHS2 serial@c280000 Disabled serial2 UARTD.. 2023. 11. 22.
Jetson boot dtb dts 관련 compile/decompile Makefile #!/bin/bash howto: @clear @echo sudo dtc -I dts -O dtb -o output.dtb temp.dts @echo sudo cp output.dtb kernel_tegra234-p3767-0004-p3768-0000-a0.dtb @echo sudo dtc -I dtb -O dts -o temp.dts kernel_tegra234-p3767-0004-p3768-0000-a0.dtb compile: temp.dts sudo dtc -I dts -O dtb -o output.dtb temp.dts build: compile output.dtb reboot set: output.dtb sudo mv output.dtb kernel_tegra234-p3767-0004-p3768.. 2023. 11. 22.
젯슨 상태 모니터링 jetson-stats 설치(jtop) 1. jetson-stats 설치 apt-get install python3-pip pip install -U jetson-stats 2. jtop 실행 systemctl restart jtop.service jtop 2023. 8. 7.
터미널에서 jtop(jetson-stats) 원격 실행 (Remote jtop Run By Terminal) 아래 링크 참조 https://wowcat.tistory.com/3151 터미널에서 GUI 프로그램 원격 실행 (Remote Widows Run By Terminal) 먼저 해당 GUI 창을 띄울 세션 PID를 알아야 한다. 아래는 PID가 2309일 경우를 전제하였을 경우의 예시이다. export DISPLAY=$(cat /proc/2309/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep DISPLAY | cut -d '=' -f2-) export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDR wowcat.tistory.com jetson-stats 설치 방법은 아래 링크 참조 https://wowcat.tistory.com/3153 2023. 8. 7.