반응형 전체 글2980 DB Adapter Installation : MS-SQL, ODBC Driver in Raspberry pi Database python ============================================================ 1. command ============================================================ apt-get install freetds-dev apt-get install freetds-bin apt-get install unixodbc-dev apt-get install tdsodbc ============================================================ ============================================================ 2. command =======================.. 2021. 10. 6. Internet Protocol Numbers 인터넷 프로토콜 번호 Protocol Numbers Last Updated 2021-02-26 Registry included below Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers Reference [RFC5237][RFC7045] Decimal Keyword Protocol IPv6 Extension Header Reference 0 HOPOPT IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option Y [RFC8200] 1 ICMP Internet Control Message [RFC792] 2 IGMP Internet Group Management [RFC1112] 3 GGP Gateway-to-Gateway [RFC823] 4 IPv4 IPv4 enc.. 2021. 10. 1. rfc791 rfc-791 DARPA INTERNET PROTOCOL PROGRAM SPECIFICATION 인터넷 프로토콜 문서 INTERNET PROTOCOL DARPA INTERNET PROGRAM PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION September 1981 2021. 9. 29. C# 소켓 억셉트 Socket Asynchronous Accept 초간단 소스 using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace Network_Async_Test { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Socket aSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); aSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(0, 5000)); aSocket.Listen(5); aSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(Jue_Listen), aSocket); whi.. 2021. 9. 15. C# Console 비동기 입력 ReadLine ReadKey Asynchronous input 초간단 소스 using System; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Async_console_test { class Program { static void TempAction() { string Temp = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("입력함 : [{0}]", Temp); Task.Factory.StartNew(TempAction); } static void Main(string[] args) { Task.Factory.StartNew(TempAction); while (true) { Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(500); } } } } Tested By VS20.. 2021. 9. 15. NASM Assembler ( The Netwide Assembler ) Documents NASM - The Netwide Assembler version 2.15.05 This manual documents NASM, the Netwide Assembler: an assembler targetting the Intel x86 series of processors, with portable source. Chapter 1: Introduction Section 1.1: What Is NASM? Section 1.1.1: License Chapter 2: Running NASM Section 2.1: NASM Command-Line Syntax Section 2.1.1: The -o Option: Specifying the Output File Name Section 2.1.2: The -f .. 2021. 9. 10. NASM Assembler ( Netwide Assembler ) for Windows https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/stable/ Index of /pub/nasm/stable git.id2020-08-28 09:08 41 Corresponding git revision ID www.nasm.us 리눅스도 포함을... 2021. 9. 10. C# Packet Capture Programming #4 - 패킷 출력 HexaView using System; using SharpPcap; using HexaViewer; namespace Net_Packet001 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string NIC_Name = "Wi-Fi"; ICaptureDevice PcapDevice = null; if (1 > CaptureDeviceList.Instance.Count) { Console.WriteLine("패킷을 캡쳐할 수 있는 장치가 존재하지 않아 종료합니다..."); return; } foreach (ICaptureDevice NIC in CaptureDeviceList.Instance) { string FriendName = NIC.ToString().Split(.. 2021. 9. 7. C# Packet Capture Programming #3 - 패킷 캡쳐 GetNextPacket using System; using SharpPcap; using HexaViewer; namespace Net_Packet001 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string NIC_Name = "Wi-Fi"; ICaptureDevice PcapDevice = null; if (1 > CaptureDeviceList.Instance.Count) { Console.WriteLine("패킷을 캡쳐할 수 있는 장치가 존재하지 않아 종료합니다..."); return; } foreach (ICaptureDevice NIC in CaptureDeviceList.Instance) { string FriendName = NIC.ToString().Split(.. 2021. 9. 7. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 332 다음 728x90 반응형